In which I explain why GTK# applications built in Monodevelop on Linux don’t run on Windows, and explain how to fix this…
C# / GTK# – Re-Entrancy Issues
As I’ve mentioned a couple of times before, I’ve been working on a C# application, using GTK# to enable me to create a GUI application which can run on Linux, Mac or Windows. It works well but I’ve been working through some “gotchas” here and there. Here’s a useful little tip… Gtk# is not a thread-safe toolkit. Continue reading “C# / GTK# – Re-Entrancy Issues”
C# Config Files: Problems with RefreshSection() in Mono
In which I explore the very basic usage of the .NET Configuration system and hit an apparent bug in Mono’s implementation of it…
Continue reading “C# Config Files: Problems with RefreshSection() in Mono”
Using a GTK# TreeView Widget in C# – Very Simply
I’ve been experimenting with using GTK# and C# to build GUI applications which will run on Linux, Windows and Mac. Monodevelop has a graphical form designer for Gtk# front ends, but it’s not as simple as building WinForms applications under Visual Studio. An example is the TreeView widget – it’s designed from an MVC perspective, with a ListStore or TreeStore object containing the model (or data), various objects collectively representing the view (columns, cells, cell renderers etc) and the controller functions allow you to sort and filter the data. All the building needs to be done in code rather than at design time. This is a lot to wrap your head around if you simply want to display some data in a tabular format, as I did, when I wanted to display the parsed contents of a log file!
To make this easier for me in future, I’ve written a small class which hides just about everything. Read on…
Continue reading “Using a GTK# TreeView Widget in C# – Very Simply”
Kubuntu and Horrible Browser Fonts
I can’t be the only victim for this… I’ve experienced it on two different machines, on two versions of Kubuntu (11.08 and 12.04).
If I go into System Settings → Application Appearance → Fonts and select “Enabled” for “Use anti-aliasing” then click “Configure” and select “Use sub-pixel rendering”, then (after a restart probably) all the fonts in the browser (Chrome, Chromium or Firefox) look absolutely horrible. I’ve spent two days on and off trying to fix this.
The fix I’ve found is to delete ~/.fonts.conf and ~/.kderc (not sure at this stage which is the culprit), log out and back in, and, hey presto, fonts are OK again.
Update: example before and after screenshots can be seen here – the top shows nice smooth fonts and the bottom, to my eye, look thin, spindly and a bit jagged.
Motorcycle Digital Speedo With Arduino
The first part of a (very) occasional series which follows my creation of a digital speedo for my motorcycle. Continue reading “Motorcycle Digital Speedo With Arduino”
Linux Music with Guitarix – A Fix for High CPU Usage
A quick tip for those using the excellent Guitarix guitar effects program on Linux. I regularly found both cores of my machine up around the 90%-100% when that application was running, causing XRuns in Jack and clicks in outputted audio. I just found a way around it. For some really weird reason, SSHing into my main box from a separate, really underpowered netbook (an EEE701) with the “-X” flag, then running Guitarix from that machine, results in much lower CPU usage. It’s weird because Guitarix is still running on my main machine, it’s just displayed on the remote machine. Presumably something in the display code for Guitarix is a lot heavier than it should be.
Using the Ethernet Shield with Veroboarduino
In which I investigate whether I can connect an Arduino Ethernet shield to my Veroboarduino. Not as easy as I first thought it would be!
Continue reading “Using the Ethernet Shield with Veroboarduino”
Site Re-Located
This weblog is now running on its own domain – You should have been redirected here automatically if you clicked a link which went to the other address ( Apache mod_rewrite settings, being somewhat of a black art, means it’s possible I’ve mucked something up :) If you see any problems with any pages you’re trying to access, just comment here.
VeroBoardUino – Last Part – Burning a Bootloader and Uploading Programs
In which we burn an arduino boot loader onto the ATMega, and then upload our own programs.
Continue reading “VeroBoardUino – Last Part – Burning a Bootloader and Uploading Programs”